For more than forty years, the creative expression and the technical skill meet and it is from their commitment that the creations of Arti e Mestieri were born. A linear and refined process that belongs to the manufacture of metal objects with essential contours and light forms, as a result of a research and design work made exclusively in Italy.
Beauty and functionality, the two poles from which each piece comes. Two elements, sometimes opposite but compatible thanks to that mix of style and technical competence that is the distinctive characteristics of our brand.
The creative process, on the other hand, draws from almost unexpected places. The creativity of Massimo Tani, repository of the creative mind that has inspired Arti e Mestieri for years, feeds on atmospheres and shiny details, sometimes floors.
Together with him Francesco Adriano Pizzi, who has been giving his opinion about the design of each piece and gives each collection a personal and refined vision for more than twenty years.
It all takes shape thanks to some material: iron. Essential but strong, iron is laser cut and mixed with color to return a light and contemporary atmosphere that is amazing every time.
The origin and realization of a single object are never the same, each piece stems from a different story, from the will to tell worlds and dreams with forms. And especially from the desire to add something to all the useful. This is Arti e Mestieri.